Backyard Fire Pit Landscaping Ideas

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Landscaping your garden doesn’t have to be expensive, as long as you know what to focus on. A lot of it comes down to proper planning. You will want to take your time and do research when it comes to what is the best furniture and vegetation for your garden.

Plants usually surround the focal point of the outdoor area. In some cases, it is a fountain, but our personal opinion is that installing a backyard fire pit is the best investment you can make.

Setting one on a bluestone patio is not only going to be a great decorative move but one that brings many social benefits. Whether you are thinking about an open fire pit or an enclosed, portable one, it is sure to be the place where cool gatherings happen.

The Ideas 4 Landscaping site is a guide that has a number of valuable tips on how to get the most out of the open fire in your garden. Given the high demand, we were not surprised to find that the market has more than a couple of backyard fire pits you can choose from.

Frankly, it all comes down to what your personal preference is. You may be more about stylish design, or you may not care that much about the looks and would rather want to get a highly functional model.

In order to help you, we have prepared much more than just a couple of backyard fire pit ideas. Throughout this article, we will be discussing the advantages of having one in your garden, as well as what you should consider when choosing one. Let’s get right to it!

The Advantages of Installing a Backyard Fire Pit

There is no denying that gathering by a fire creates a unique atmosphere. This is not only because you will be keeping everyone warm, but also for a number of other benefits, including health and social-related ones.

First, installing a backyard fire pit will go a long way when it comes to creating a cozy outdoor atmosphere. This is just perfect for an evening gathering that you were planning with your friends or family members. Apart from enjoying a warm beverage or a few s’mores while snuggled up, you will also be able to experience all the beauties of an open flame.

Most gardens don’t include proper landscape lighting, which is the main reason why a backyard fire pit can be of great help. Along with providing much-needed warmth, it will ensure a specific glow and improve the aesthetics of the landscape once night falls.

As we mentioned above, by installing this feature, you will be switching the usual place of social gatherings from indoors to outdoors. Once the pit is up, no one will be complaining about how they feel cold. In fact, by arranging a couple of sofas or comfortable lazy chairs, you will be creating an ideal focal point for relaxing after a hard-working day.

One of the best things about a reliable backyard fire pit is that you can use it for cooking. Here, we are not only talking about marshmallows and s’mores but also meat, fish, and veggies if you feel like it. All you need to do is to put a grill plate over the top and enjoy the process.

Another advantage is that, while it may be colder outside during the autumn and winter, a fire pit still does its job. This means that you will not be limited by season or weather (unless it is really harsh), and this makes it a wonderful long-term investment.

The fact that you will get to enjoy a lighter garden and feel warmth even when the falls means that the day will feel longer. This, along with a cozy atmosphere that a pit creates, is why it is perfect for unwinding and relaxing.

Lastly, these pits vary in price and can go anywhere from a few hundred to a couple of thousand dollars. With proper market research and by using discount and promo codes, you are sure to get a high-quality, affordable backyard fire pit. Overall, this is a feature that increases the overall value of your property.


What to Consider When Installing a Fire Pit

The Ideas 4 Landscaping site is a superb guide in terms of DIY landscaping, and it includes great ideas for an open fire in your garden.However, before we suggest a couple of options, we think that you should be aware of the important points to consider when installing one.


First, you will want to make sure that investing in this feature doesn’t break your budget. As we mentioned above, the price can greatly vary. It can run under $100 if you are willing to build a fire pit on your own. Keep in mind, though, that this requires experience, knowledge, and the right materials.

Again, a fire pit that is already manufactured can be anywhere between a couple of hundred and a few thousand dollars. This depends on whether it is portable or permanent, as well as a variety of other factors.

Also, don’t forget that the installation is going to be an additional expense if you call in a professional.

Deciding on the Type

Do you want a backyard fire pit that can be moved from point A to point B, or one that stands strong as a focal point in your garden?

If you decide for the latter, being the more permanent option, you should be ready to spend more money. You can hire a professional to customize a pit for you. Alternatively, you can try your own luck by buying all the necessities in a hardware store and consulting DIY guides.

It is quite vital that a permanent fire pit is made symmetrical with the rest of the garden when it comes to the color and shape.

Portable fire pits, on the other hand, are mostly made out of steel or cast iron. There are a variety of options you can choose from, including fire tables, as well as chimneys. Also, you need to decide whether you want one that runs on wood or gas/fuel.


Last, as long as it is used the right way, a backyard fire pit carries no risk whatsoever. However, you will want to invest extra effort to make sure that it is at least 8-10 feet away from your house.

Additionally, you will want to set it on a stone or a brick surface that can’t be damaged by high heat or fire.

Backyard Fire Pit Landscaping Ideas

Cool Landscaping Ideas for a Backyard Fire Pit

While Ideas 4 Landscaping offers an array of cool options for this feature, we decided to create a list of our own.

Circular Brick Design

One of the coolest DIY fire pits can be made out of an affordable and simple material — brick. It is ideal for holding off high heat, and most importantly, it is not flammable.

Our personal suggestion is that you line up the bricks in a circular fashion, using the cement between to ensure that these hold together. For the fire, a circular brick design asks for wood rather than gas or fuel. While not portable, this is the perfect example of how a self-made backyard fire pit would look like.

Flagstone Ring

You can do almost the same thing as you did with the bricks, just using a flagstone. It is ideal for gardens that are highlighted by retaining walls.

Yes, it is probably going to be more expensive, given the cost of the material. Keep in mind, though, that the flagstone is incredibly attractive and is sure to be an eye-pleasing focal point.

Cowboy Cauldron

This is an item that you can buy pre-made. Alternatively, you can try out your skill and cut your own cast iron to create a fire pit without the help of a professional. While the latter scenario is more complicated, it is more affordable and certainly yields a wonderful feeling (self-made always offers a warmer atmosphere).

The best thing about a fire pit made out of cast iron and in the design of Cowboy Cauldron is that it can be moved from one part of the yard to another.

Pool Fire Pit

No, we are not suggesting that you try to put a fire pit in the middle of your pool. That would be close to impossible. However, installing one a couple of feet away seems like a great idea. This is not only because of the romantic atmosphere that this will yield, but also because of the fact that you will feel warmer the moment you leave the water.

Patio Fire Pit Table

Lastly, we present to you a backyard fire pit that is is multi-purpose and is made to run on propane. Much like with the Cowboy Cauldron design, you will need casting and welding skills to make this one. If you don’t feel like it, there are a number of table fire pits offered online.


Installing a fire pit in your yard is among the best investments you can make. It can be made to last for years, and with proper planning, it won’t break your bank.

On the other hand, you will be creating an ideal focal point for any kind of social gathering or for unwinding after a hard day of work. With these backyard fire pit landscaping ideas, you can find the ideal option for you.


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